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A Place Where You Belong: Building Communities & Connections

Our purpose at Strata is to create healthy, inclusive and resilient communities that can in turn improve the lives of generations to come.

Building communities isn’t just about the bricks and mortar, it’s about contributing to the wellbeing of those who will come to live in the community, as well as those who already reside there.

We consider customers an extension of our family. While we’re building homes, we’re also building relationships, and that’s what inspires us to keep finding new ways to go beyond in everything we do.

Creating Connections

Buying a new home should be a shared experience, not just a transaction. From the moment you make it yours to long after you move, you’re joining a community of likeminded people who can’t wait to share in your journey.

Whether it’s launching our latest show homes and Experience Centres, Fika coffee mornings where you can meet your neighbours, or webinars sharing insight and knowledge on the latest interior design trends, these shared experiences help to create connections and shape how our customers live in their homes and the wider community.

And the connections don’t end there. On Instagram, thousands of our customers have documented their own experiences, with the #MyStrataStory community becoming a source of inspiration, friendship and support online, regardless of location or stage in the buying process. “Through #MyStrataStory we’ve become really close with our neighbours before we’ve even moved in. We’ve already met up with them and become good friends.” – Anna, Strata customer

Sharing Experiences

Building communities through our supply chain is just as important as building communities on our developments. Our supply chain partners are an extension to the Strata team. We regularly host a variety of events that allows us to forge these strong connections and create the partnerships that support each other to grow.

From supplier drop in days every month at our Support Office, to a charity events calendar full of fun and challenging events designed to push our internal team and supply chain partners, and raise funds for local charities.

We also work closely with local schools, charities and community groups to offer our time and knowledge, helping to give a little more back to the existing communities we’re joining. From mock interviews and guest speaking in lessons at local schools and colleges, to inviting groups of children to experience a working construction site and understand the build process, we’re continuously engaging with the communities and responding to what they need.

Supporting Communities

Building new homes is just a small part of how we help to grow existing communities. We work with local authorities at the planning stage to ensure that we’re contributing to the areas that need it the most. Whether that be creating jobs for local people and subcontractors, contributing to schools and education facilities, or helping to create more green open spaces.

Our homes may be our legacy but the quality of the lives of those who live in them is what truly matters. We’re on a journey to establish communities that will, in turn, improve the lives of generations to come.