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The stages of a new build home 

You probably know the basics of what a new build home is and what they include, but when you’re not a house builder yourself, you’re probably unaware of the stages of building a house and what these entail.

Well, this helpful guide tells you everything you need to know, in time for when you want to buy a property in one of our new home locations.

How long do new build homes take to build in the UK?

On average, a new build home takes around five to seven months to build, and if the plot is in a rural area, this can take a little longer, at around six to nine months. Generally speaking, single-storey homes can take less time to build, at approximately four to seven months, but of course, other factors can change the length of time, so this is always a guided estimate.

The stages of building a house

At Strata, we have a 10-step process to building all our homes, that ensures quality and efficiency.

Stage 0: Preparing the plot

We start preparing your plot Before any building work can begin, we will remove any topsoil from the area dig out to the depth where the underside of the flooring will be. An engineer will then visit the plot to formally lay out where your new home will be built. 

Stage 1: Laying the foundations 

Before we can start work above ground, it’s important to ensure everything below ground is level, damp proof and ready to service your home. Blockwork and screed are laid to create the ground floor, utility supplies and drainage are all signed off ready to use when the home is lived in. 

Stage 2: Going up one floor at a time

This stage will take place over two or three floors, depending how many storeys the new home being built consists of. The builder will be crafting each floor of your home one at a time, ensuring joists are secure, windows and doors are fitted and everything is properly sealed and insulated before moving on to the next floor. 

Stage 3: The walls are up

Your home is taking shape! The brickwork needs to be completed around the wall plate at this stage. The wall plate is a piece of timber that sits inside the wall and the roof sits on this. To complete this, the brickwork must be finished and the all blockwork on the underside of the wall plate.

Stage 4: The roof is on 

That all important roof is on, which is a pivotal stage in house building as it means the home is now watertight. The builder will install your roof using wooden trusses and tiles, adding drainage and painting any remaining areas to ensure the roof looks seamless and beautiful.  

Stage 5: The windows and doors are in

By stage 5, the outside of your home looks almost as it will when you move in. The windows and doors are in (albeit with protective film still on) and the scaffolding is down now that the roof is on.

Stage 6: Time to begin work on the inside

This is when we begin preparing your home on the inside, from plastering wall and installing the kitchen and bathroom, to connecting up all the utility services ready for when you move in. 

Stage 7: Quality check

We’re now in a position where your home is close to being completed and the remaining work is mostly cosmetic. At this stage our Quality Manager will work with the builder to highlight any areas that need addressing. This allows us to get the home to the standard we want in plenty of time for your moving date. 

Stage 8: Final touches

Painting and decorating is done, at this stage as your new home is fully functioning and almost ready for your moving day!

Stage 9: Final clean and last inspection

At this stage, we’re making sure everything is cleaned to our high standards ready to hand over to you. The builder, Quality Manager and NHBC will all inspect the home carefully to ensure it is ready to hand over, and a Buildmark certificate will be issued. This certificate is a requirement of your mortgage lender, as it confirms that the home is build to NHBC’s standards. 

Stage 10: Senior sign off

As a final measure to ensure our high quality standards are met, a senior manager will visit your home the day before you move in to carry out a detailed final inspection.

Read other helpful guides

Now you know exactly what the home building process involves, we hope you’ll feel even more knowledgeable and confident about the new build buying process. 

Here at Strata, we’re here to help you with your home-buying journey, so head over to our home-buying advice hub to find other guides on different, home-related topics, like how to reserve a new build.