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How to sell your existing home – and buy a new one - with Strata’s Assisted Selling Plan

There’s so much to think about when selling your home. Buying chains, moving, and just the process of putting your house on the market can be tiring. We understand how difficult it can be, which is why we aim to make the transition into your new Strata home as smooth and stress-free as possible.

The Strata Assisted Selling Plan helps get your existing home on the market and guides you through the process of selling your home at the best possible price. We may even part exchange your property so you can move into your new Strata home as soon as it’s ready.

A Customer Experience Manager will liaise with estate agents on your behalf to make sure you get prominent listing and will provide personal support and advice to guide you through the process.

Preparing your home for viewings, or “staging” as it’s called in the industry, is important and will ensure your property is sold faster. Here are our top tips to ensure a quick sale of your existing property:

1. Declutter, but keep it personal

To help people imagine living in the property, it’s important for it to be clutter-free, clean and tidy. It’s the perfect opportunity to clear out any extra items you no longer need and will make moving day a lot easier! Don’t eradicate yourself completely. Keep a hint of your personal style to help inspire potential buyers.

2. A fresh coat of paint

Investing in a lick of paint can give your property a whole new lease of life, and make it more appealing. Neutral colours will not only brighten your home, they will also make it easier for new owners to start using the rooms immediately.

3. Little fixer uppers

Do you have a snagging list of minor repairs you keep putting off? Now would be a good time to fix them. Buyers will notice cracked tiles and broken door knobs and it could ultimately affect their decision to buy. Don’t forget the garden and outdoor space too; it can make the difference between a sale or no sale.

4. Finishing touches

A good first impression is crucial to encourage buyers, so create an alluring atmosphere in your home by lighting scented candles or baking fresh bread to give the comforting sense of home. Cleverly placed mirrors will brighten darker rooms and can make smaller spaces feel bigger.

If you’d like to talk to a Customer Experience Manager about the options available to you to sell your existing home and buy a Strata home, contact our team on 01302 308 508.