Throughout the design and development process of 360, we engaged regularly with key stakeholders including Together Housing and the local authority to identify the needs of the local area and the tenants who would be occupying the homes. The key finding here was the need for affordable homes that have reduced running costs, a reduced impact on the environment and that community cohesion was promoted to create an inclusive and social community.
After working with Together Housing to deliver 32 Low, Zero or Negative Carbon homes at our 360 development in Chesterfield, we took the time just over a year later to celebrate this milestone with the residents who had moved into the homes.
The residents all moved in early 2021 and had access to a variety of resources and events such as home demonstration videos, monthly Fika coffee mornings and tailored events to build a sense of community and provide information on their homes and wider development. A year on, in April 2022 we hosted an evening for them to come along to the show home on their development, enjoy refreshments with their neighbours and the Strata team, and chat about how they had found their first year living in a Zero Carbon home.
The event saw residents join us to share their feedback, and in return we shared our knowledge on the innovative methods used to build their homes and the health and wellbeing benefits of living in a sustainable property. We also welcomed specialists from WondrWall to the event, who educated residents on how to best use the technology for maximum benefit, as well as answering any questions on the day.
We asked attendees to complete a short survey to gather feedback on the impact of the homes on their health and wellbeing, and we found that 80% of the respondents had changed their living behaviours since moving into their new home and used the app to control their home technology. The data also showed that 80% felt that the rising fuel costs would have hit them much worse in a traditional home, compared to their zero carbon home, and 100% of respondents would recommend this type of home to friends and family, referring to the community at 360 as friendly.