We recently undertook a research project to review the effectiveness of alternative electric heating technologies, in this case Infra-red with PV and battery storage and Air Source Heat Pump, and how the utilisation of alternative technologies such as these could improve the sustainability and affordability of our homes.
We selected four plots in two differing home designs on our Dream development in Hull, one design being a semi-detached, three storey home and the other a detached two storey home. Both home designs had similar square footage and were both 4 bedrooms, representative of the average family home, in order to get a true representation of energy usage.
Over the course of the research, we assessed a variety of metrics including the availability of technology manufacturers and installers, the simplicity of installation, customer experience, running costs and lifetime maintenance requirements.
Over the 12-month period, we monitored the energy consumption data provided by customers to understand the impact of these alternative heating systems vs a traditional gas boiler.
The results showed that the Infra-red technology significantly outperformed the SAP predictions and the performance of homes with a traditional gas boiler and have helped the occupants reduce their energy bills by an average of 55%, equating to around £1000 over the course of a year.
The results of the Air Source Heat Pump were less clear due to reduced data accessibility, and we have therefore identified additional plots across new developments to replicate the study.