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5 Practical Ways to Live A Little More Sustainably Every Day

Living more sustainably isn’t just a trend, it’s becoming increasingly more crucial to protect our future and the world we call home. But with decades spent living unsustainably, these habits are going to take a lot of undoing and that can be quite daunting!

Just like with anything, a lifestyle change isn’t going to happen overnight, but there are little things you can do each day, just one at a time, to live that bit more sustainably in a practical way and do your bit to reduce your impact on our planet, and your own health and wellbeing. 

So, if you're looking to reduce your carbon footprint and make a positive impact, here are five practical ways to live more sustainably every day.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

This is something you’ll have probably seen and heard a lot over the last decade, but it’s an easy and strong foundation for living more sustainably. 

Reduce: Keep an eye on use by dates of perishable food items, and if something is about to go off, try to incorporate it into your meals or make sure it gets eaten to reduce food waste . 

Reuse: Try eliminating one source of single use plastic from your daily routine and introduce something reusable in its place. This could be swapping bottled water for a refillable flask, or taking reusable shopping bags next time you pop to the shop. 

Recycle: Embrace recycling as a daily household habit and involve all the family. Encourage children to recycle with reward charts, and rather than accumulating recycling on the kitchen counter, why not get some extra steps in and pop out to the bin with it straight away, or have a designated bin for each recyclable material?

Be Mindful With Energy Use

We’re not saying you need to be glued to your smart meter screen and panic every time you boil the kettle, but there are some small wins that add up when it comes to energy usage. For example, not leaving appliances on standby or chargers plugged in when they’re not in use can save you around £30 per year according to the Energy Saving Trust! Switching out bulbs for energy efficient LED, making use of smart plugs to control your lighting and appliances remotely, and smart thermostats and radiator valves can allow you to heat and power your home much more efficiently.

Travel More Sustainably

Depending on your commute, consider if some days you could swap out the car for a bike or even catch a lift with someone who goes the same way to reduce the number of cars on the road. Even popping to the local shop in the car could be swapped for walking, or taking public transport next time you head into the city centre will save you finding a parking space, and save on emissions!

Eat A Little More Sustainably 

There are many ways our eating habits impact the environment. Whether it be trying to eat a little less meat or dairy, to simply reducing chemical use by buying organic, or shopping local for our food to reduce carbon emissions in transportation.

Use Less Water

You’ll probably already know that taking showers over baths reduces water consumption, and taking shorter showers is even better. But there’s more you can do for little to no cost and effort that will reduce your water consumption significantly overall. Water-saving shower heads and low-flow faucets for taps are cheap and easy way to reduce the water we use in our daily routines,  while fixing dripping taps and leaks can also account for extra water consumption. And with summer coming up, consider greener ways to keep your garden green! Collecting rainwater using a water butt can then be used to keep plans and turf fresh and watered throughout the summer.

Living more sustainably every day is not about being perfect, it’s about making small, conscious choices that add up to a big difference. By making some of these daily changes into habits, you can contribute to a more sustainable future for generations to come. Let's strive to leave the world a better place than we found it—one eco-friendly decision at a time.