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The benefits of part exchanging your home

Buying and selling a home can be a confusing and stressful process. AtStrata we understand how important it is for you to settle in and start enjoying your new home as soon as possible. That’s why we aim to make the whole transition as easy as possible.

Sorting out your finances can be tricky, so we offer several financial options, such as our Part Exchange scheme, to help find the right one for you.


What is part exchange?

Part Exchange means trading in your current home to count towards the payment for a new build property. This makes the sale easier, quicker and less stressful.

If you are considering upgrading your home; here are six reasons why Part Exchange could be the perfect financial option for you.

1. No delay

By selling your home straight to the property developer, you won’t have to worry about house buying chains, the risk of delays or the sale falling through. Part Exchange is also a lot quicker than your average house sale, so if you need a fast move, the whole process could potentially be done in less than six weeks.

2. Fair price

A minimum of two independent valuations will be taken out on your home to ensure you get a fair offer for your property.

3. Low costs

Moving home can quickly become a costly venture; however, with this scheme you will pay no estate agent fees.

4. Upgrade your home

With many property developers building more family homes, Part Exchange is becoming an increasingly popular option for second-time buyers wanting to move up in the market. Most schemes will offer part exchange on a home that’s up to the value of 70% of the new build, meaning if your property is valued at £250,000, you will need to invest in a new home at around £360,000, a significant step up the property ladder.

5. Simple sale

Part Exchange is a guaranteed sale, providing your home passes the valuations, which means you don’t need to worry if your home has been on the market for longer than you’d like. You could also end up getting a higher price if the market is slow.