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Meet Sara, our Managing Director for the Yorkshire and The North East region. 

Sara joined us in 2018 as a Sales Manager, but she also has a passion for marketing and what makes our customers tick, which saw her earn a well-deserved promotion to Sales and Marketing Director soon after.  Sara has played a pivotal role in shaping the customer experience of today, and her big picture thinking and nurturing leadership means she is the perfect person to step into the role of Managing Director for our Yorkshire and North East region.

Sara helps to pave the way for our vision of the future. Her passion and dedication shines through every day and from that, a place of inspiration is born. Each and every one of us at Strata has a deep-rooted passion to create something special and to go above and beyond every day, and Sara is one of the people who helps to bring this out in everyone she works with.

Sara mentions in her poem ‘making others feel special is about remembering what makes you feel special’ and we couldn’t agree more. Behind every movement and idea within Strata, we are always considering the impact of others and how we can make a positive change to people's lives. The best way to do that? Putting ourselves in others’ shoes. Continuously growing and developing to be better for the communities we build.

Making others feel special
is about remembering
what makes you feel special.

If this journey were mine,
would it spark joy for me?
Make me feel like the only person who mattered?
Would it let me embrace what I love about myself
and be true to who I am,
who I want to be?

Those moments of welcome,
the first foot over threshold,
don't come often.
It’s our privilege to share them,
make them personal.
If we can do that for one,
how do we do it for all?

Data can guide us:
learning faster,
and true to real need.

But I believe in balance:
science… and art,
head… and heart,
and I never let go of my gut feeling:
the dreamworld,
and the magic that reminds me
there’s nothing more important
than human connection.

Each Strata customer has their own story to tell and it all starts with the community that has been built around #mystratastory on Instagram where thousands of our customers have documented their own experiences.