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Say hello to Jenny, our Finance Manager and business analyst!

Jenny has been a part of the Strata Family since 2022 and we haven’t looked back since!

Everyday can look different for Jenny however most days, you can find her assessing data, working through analytics and creating graphs and visuals to allow us to better understand what is going on behind the scenes of Strata…how exciting?

We are always striving to improve how we do things here at Strata, from quality materials to sustainability and more. Jenny is a key part of this movement - being able to experiment and compare our successes is what paves the way for growth and improvement.

Who knows what the future could hold? Watch this space!

There’s a better way to do this.
Maybe it’s not broken,
but it’s not its best…

Let’s take it apart…
How does it work?
What will we discover?

A piece that won’t fit isn’t worthless.
Work it smarter,
find a new way to use it,
keep it simple.

This is a place that enables change,
where ready ears listen,
and say:
“try it and see.”

There is so much to do,
so many options
and as we grow, new hurdles.
Just go do it!
Get straight in,
rebuild and ask:
“This is what I’ve made…
does it work for you?”

You don’t have to know when the puzzle was broken,
to know when it’s been fixed.
The last piece of the jigsaw
is always the most satisfying.

Each Strata customer has their own story to tell and it all starts with the community that has been built around #mystratastory on Instagram where thousands of our customers have documented their own experiences.